25. "Wait & See" - Diamond Rings
(And this year's Ian Curtis Emulator Award goes to...) Quite frankly, however strange his haircut and clothing is to our generation of '80s throwback haters, he's got something going for him. He's not all bright looks and edgy-ehh moves, he's got the musical prowess to fight with, along with Ziggy Stardust era lasers.
24. "On Melancholy Hill" - GorillazI wasn't one to rant and rave about Plastic Beach, not because I was ignorant or didn't hear any of it---I got tired of Gorillaz and Damon Albarn-related music. But then this song hit. Nothing but magic as Sir Albarn shows that through all the times he can put something out with the simplest, purest intents. No grit, no flit, just bliss.
23. "Come With Me" - ceo
A defining sound of my summer: freedom to wander, wandering free. Remember those times? Don't tell me they're locked away somewhere because this is one of those tracks that dug them out.
22. "Giving Up the Gun" - Vampire Weekend
I swear I tried to keep VW off this list, but they were too convincing. A matured sound past the sunny New England (oxymoron?) college-boy musings has emerged victorious. And also, no afro-world comments on this track (don't even try).
21. "Chinatown" - Wild Nothing
This one-man deal put out one of the best albums of the year, and one of the most intriguing dream-pop albums I've ever heard. Definitely not a singles album, but good enough to even make the cut for this list. Well damn, if that isn't enough for you to go out and get it, you might as well call yourself macaroni and stand in a corner acting out "Runaway".
20. "Bombay" - El Guincho
Sadly, the only non-English track on here. Not a pity vote for lesser languages though, this man deservedly earned his spot: any song that can use steel drums fittingly without it being a Caribbean-flavored dish grabs my direct and full attention. But seriously, a sand 'n' surf jam that doesn't add to the already crowded pack of chillbeachwavers.
19. "Marathon" - Tennis
This track was exactly as advertised, and for once, the advertisement drew me in to buy the product. Sailing on the ocean blue, salty sea breeze, vintage sunglasses, white shirts, no worries. Look out for them in the coming year.
18. "As We Enter" - Nas & Damian Marley
Bump it, rock it. An awesome collab between hip-hop and reggae OGs for a just cause births good vibes and good sounds. Hip-hop and reggae never sounded so good as a couple. They should do this more often.
17. "Something Good Can Work" - Two Door Cinema Club
One of my favorite acts to come out of the UK this year, these ruffians show the world once more that the guitar is still dominant in the Britpop sound, especially amidst all the synthwork that has been emerging prominent in younger bands lately. That's not to say that TDCC doesn't indulge. Peppy shit.
16. "Hall" - Baths
Baths holds the prize for Intrigue this year, listen to any of his songs and you'll understand. There is a certain fluidity to the mess of watery synths and slightly fuzzy backdrop of this track that feels soothingly calm, but it absolutely doesn't present itself as a simple production. You can hear the complexities of his work echoing through your ears, and you can't help but listen again.
I will be very surprised if Skrillex doesn't make it to this list, or the Halo Reach theme song.
Fonzie (Your Roommate)